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蚕の糞茶を飲む、糞茶で染める in 沖縄 Eat around the cloth/ Silk worm’s poop to DYE in Okinawa

2019年 7月15日

目的: 蚕についての教育と蚕の糞の利用法を広めること。

日期 Date2019 / 7 / 15 (日・Sun)

時間 Time17:00-20:00

料金 Ticket Free - 10人限定 要予約

場所 Address:久米島町 字山里203 西平家

言語 Language:日本語 Japanese / 英文 English 

予約先 Reservation : 


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ワークショップ記録映像: https://youtu.be/B9xcJFBBEIk



布の周辺を食べる/ 蚕の糞染 in 沖縄県 久米島 Eat around the cloth/ Silk worms poop to DYE in Okinawa Kumejima



1 Wash the silk cloth with a kitchen detergent. (It becomes easy to dye by washing off the glue attached when weaving.)



2 Soak the silk cloth in soy milk and dry it. (The dye is easily fixed by protein.)



3 Squeeze the silk cloth using thread.

 (This technic is one of the most primitive, and one of a Okinawa traditional way.)


蚕糞のお茶を飲みながら、蚕の蛹をおいしく食べる。抹茶アイスも。(抹茶アイスの緑は蚕の糞 で着色されている事が多い。)

4 Eat silk worm chrysalis and green tea ice cream with a cup of silk worms poop tea. 

 (The green color of green tea ice cream is often colored with silk worms poop.)



Because we forgot to eat matcha ice cream, we ate in the middle of the night.



5 Dye the silk cloth with silk worms poop tae.



6 You can fix the color by using alum, baking soda and vinegar in the kitchen.


This time, there are live silk worms in the venue. Let's observe how they eat and excrete.


蚕の糞は蚕沙(サンシャ)と呼ばれ、漢方薬として飲まれている。(効能: 糖尿病、肩こり、便秘など)

The silk worm's poop are called 蚕沙(Sansha) and are taken as Chinese medicine. (Indications: diabetes, stiff neck, constipation etc.)



Wash your face and body with silk cocoon and dyed silk cloth this night. (Silk protein helps to regenerate the skin.)



As a space food, researcher is conducting to grow and eat silkworms in spaceship.



The silk worm was domesticated 5000 years ago in China.



Why is it so, an unknown creature in the modern world.



However, they can not live without humans.